Queen Elizabeth Commonwealth ScholarshipTo apply for a Queen Elizabeth Commonwealth Scholarship, you must first create a MyACU account. This will enable you to save a draft application, and to log back in to see the status of your application once it is submitted. Title * - Select -AmbassadorBaronessChief JusticeDameDrFatherHer ExcellencyHis ExcellencyLadyLordHonHon DrJudgeJusticeMissMrMrsMsProfProf SirRevSenSen the HonSirSisterThe HonThe Rt HonVice AdmiralHis Excellency The HonHis Excellency Rev DrHis Excellency Lt GenHis Excellency First AdmiralHis Excellency Dr First Name * Last Name * Email * Leave this field blank CAPTCHA To continue please type the characters below , characters are case sensitive. What code is in the image? * Enter the characters shown in the image. Submit